Title: Advancing New Frontiers In Prosthodontics
Dates: May 21 & 22, 2021
Dr. John Sorensen has put together an exceptional program with world-class featured speakers. The 2021 virtual meeting consisted of scientific presentations, an exhibit hall, poster presentations and a live social event by the Lambert Bridge winery located in Healdsburg, California. Despite being a virtual format, the Academy delivered an exceptional 2021 annual session drawing on a significant contingent of our world-class Academy Fellows as well as experts from academics, dental technology, various specialties and industry, all aimed at advancing our knowledge base, promoting intellectual discourse, inspiring clinical excellence and looking to the future.
Compelled by time constraints, the meeting was reduced from the traditional 4 days to a 2-day virtual format and focused on 3 subject areas: Translating New Frontiers In Technology & Science Into Patient Treatment, Digital Masters- Materials, Design, Technology & Software, and Risk Assessment.
As fellowship is a critical component of the AP annual meetings, after the meeting, AP Fellows and guests had the opportunity to socialize with fellows, guests and residents in smaller groups (similar to table assignments during the Louis Blatterfein Welcome Dinner).