82nd Annual Session
Quebec City 2000
A Look Back on the Millennium
Meeting of the Academy of Prosthodontics
As I reflect on the 82nd Annual Session in Quebec City, there are three items or thoughts that leap out at me. First, the fellowship made a brilliant choice of location when they selected Quebec City as the meeting site. Second, the choice of Le Chateau Frontenac as the venue, with its architectural and historical splendor, was simply perfect. And third, the attendees seemed to thoroughly enjoy the meeting despite the fact that I was one of the speakers.
As the time for the meeting approached and I told others of the impending trip, I heard wonderful things about Quebec City. I was told that the city was a pleasure to visit, that Le Chateau Frontenac was the place to stay, and that the cuisine was marvelous. However, I had this nagging feeling, the cause of which lay rooted in my upbringing. As an Englishman I had quite some doubt that a place with a strong French influence could really be that great. After all, the English do not use the words "French" and "wonderful" in the same sentence very often. Well it didn?t take long for me to realize that my "concerns du Francais" were completely unfounded. Quebec City is a charming city with something for everyone and the Quebecois people were gracious hosts. Walking the cobbled streets, window-shopping, riding the Funicular, touring La Citadelle or people-watching (or pet-trick watching) on the Boardwalk made for an eventful and enjoyable Canadian experience. We were also fortunate to have wonderful sunny weather during the meeting. For three straight days after the meeting, I can tell you from personal experience that the clouds hugged the ground and were far too eager to shed water.
If Quebec City was not attraction enough, Le Chateau Frontenac provided the perfect setting for our meeting. Dr. Izchak Barzilay and the local arrangements committee deserve our thanks for manifesting such organizational skills. As part of the organized restaurant tour or perhaps on our own, we were treated to the fine cuisine of near-by restaurants like Gambrinus or La Continental or Le Saint Amour. The outing (the shortest bus ride in years!) to Les Folies de Paris offered entertainment that could be described as "different", as well as providing some amazing photo-ops. Steve Parel, Ted Riley, Glen McGivney and Ron Jarvis exhibited photogenicity beyond words and I have the pictures to prove it. Now that I have been appointed Chair of the Photography Committee, I will have to find ways to make good use of these pictures (please feel free to make any suggestions). And as for the Installation Banquet, who can forget Dr. Howard Landesman?s emotion and poignant words during his "Call to Arms" as he began his term as President of the Academy of Prosthodontics?
The Scientific Program, put together by Dr. Dick Grisius, blended basic science with clinical application and the fusion was anything but cold. We were left reassured that there are prosthodontists who are engaged in thoughtful and meaningful investigations into clinically relevant areas. We heard about a variety of topics and whether they were bone physiology or the inflammatory response to retraction cord medicaments or the efficacy of the zygomaticus implant or the use of microscopes in the dental office, the scientific program offered high quality presentations that left us intrigued with the advances in patient care that lie ahead. The basic science presentations exposed the philosophical changes our prosthodontic membership is challenged to make to develop future treatment strategies that utilize new molecular biology tools, while those presentations with a strong clinical flavor gave us valuable information to take back immediately to our practices. And Rhonda Jacob, Aaron Fenton and their merry band of facilitators built on last year?s well-received evidence based-dentistry session to introduce us to the concept of "Harm" and to further prepare us to comprehend the scientific literature.
So once again, the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Prosthodontics offered an unique atmosphere that combined education and social interaction and genuine friendship in a manner not found in any other organization. May 2001 and Santa Fe cannot arrive soon enough? are we there yet?